I found Duane through Rossa Forbes' blog - she had posted a comment about how psychiatric patients, or former ones, can now consider themselves free. This is something I kind of worked out already, by writing this blog over the last eighteen months or so - psychiatry is a load of tosh, so I and all other former patients are free from these labels already, if we let ourselves be.
I have an active and happy life. I don't think most people these days see me as having any particular problems. Maybe even a psychiatrist might say one day soon to me, 'Oh, you have been off medication for ten years and you have a family and you are well? And now you have written a book. OK, so it must have been a mistake. You don't have schizophrenia'.
But I have kind of moved on. I'm not sure I would accept a re-diagnosis now as happily as I would have done a few years ago. Because that then leaves all the other people, who haven't recovered, who 'do' still have it. And I don't feel that is fair - if you get better against all the odds, you didn't have the illness after all. If you never get better - 'Well, ha ha, we were right'.
Oh, and the other thing. Even if somebody tells me I haven't got schizophrenia and I never had, I am still kind of sunk in the jobs market. When my eldest daughter started school word got around that I have a law degree (ok, I boast about it sometimes, it makes me feel better) and the Mums were a bit confused about why I had never done anything with it.
Well, because I couldn't. Because my perceptions of what I was capable of were skewed by the idea that I had a permanent illness and I believed I had no place in the workplace. My confidence in my abilities has sunk very low and stayed there for a long time.
And even if I hadn't felt like that I wouldn't have been given a job with my medical history. A friend told me today that there is an advert on the TV at the moment about this - a guy goes for a job, he's written 'mental health problems' on the application form, and the interviewer starts to surreptitiously move all the sharp objects on the desk out of his reach.
I have avoided lots of things over the years in case my diagnosis became public. For example, many years ago I was invited to take up a position at my daughter's school, as Clerk to the Governors Meetings, but was put off by the fact that I had to fill out an application form first, with a medical questionnaire. I have wasted years of my life not taking up opportunities, or not looking for them because of worry about what people would think if they found out about my mental health history. Particularly the diagnosis.
And now it has been so many years since I worked that there is an unbridgeable gap on my CV. And also, if I am honest, I have a young family and I have enjoyed being able to stay at home to look after them. So the not being able to work kind of played in my favour too, although that made me feel guilty.
I don't dislike psychiatrists per se, by the way. A friend of mine is one. I also have lots of friends who are nurses and my kids and I have been treated by lots of good doctors for various ailments, so I am not anti the medical profession at all. I just don't think they have all the answers.
But thanks Duane and Rossa. I am sorry I have only just found your blogs, because I think you and others out there like Ron Unger and Rufus May (he has a website that can be found by searching his name) are doing a great job already. I just want to add my voice to the chorus.
I read a comment on Rossa's blog yesterday about the use of the word schizophrenia - I can't remember who, but somebody said it makes them sick to even hear that word. And that person is right - the word needs to go, along with a lot of outdated attitudes. I am sorry that I use it so much, on this blog and in my book. But I do it for the right reasons - to draw attention to how wrong it is to label, to pidgeonhole people.
Enough for now. And by the way, I am wondering why nobody has been commenting on here in the last few days. Has anybody read the book yet? Does anybody have an opinion or a question or a thought to share with me? Is anybody out there? Hello? Hello?...
Louise x